Friday, November 21, 2008

~ Picture Time! ~
So here's a few engagement pictures that were taken in Fairhaven and thought you guys might like to see a little preview :) Enjoy!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Date Auction

This years theme was "A Chinese New Years"
So we had Date Auction last night in Royal Brougham, and it was a huge success, SPU raised a TON of money for Sprint & Urban Impact so that was great! They hire an auctioneer and decorate the gym and auction off desserts, and then 14 "date packages" for people to bid on. They had a Christmas Cruise this year (on the canal I think) and ones for SuperBowl Sunday, a day with the Eatons (SPU's president), and so many more, plus a group who did Tai Chi (I have no idea how its spelled) come and perform so that was cool!
Also the benefit of having 45+ girls on one floor I was able to borrow my dress, shoes and a purse :)

They even had a massive dragon!

And...the center pieces were vases with fishes in them!

Me and my small group leader :)

A few freshmen from my floor and I all dressed up amazing PA, Rachel

More girls from my floor...

And girls from my floor last 1W always

Me, Stacey DeJong and Sara

A Few More Pictures

Halloween in Seattle!
So a few more halloween pictures for you all...
After passing out candy to all the professor's kids and the neighborhood kids that come and trick or treat to the dorms :)

Left to Right
Kayla was a pirate, Emily from the 80's and me: A girl from India
(so original I know ;)

~ Kristina the Hippie ~

And of course...the roommate shot :)

We had dinner at Red Robin with a bunch of girls from our floor - SO GOOD!!!

The first car to arrive

Monday, November 3, 2008


So here's some pictures of Shannon & Daves Halloween
The group was literally "Struck By Lightning" and won the best group costume for the night. Dave was the only guy left in the group but he went along with it and stuck it out (with the blacked out teeth and all :) What a trooper!

From left to right its Becky Bos, Rachel Koetje, Lindsey Rutegers, Shannon & Dave

I was impressed with the costumes and hair thats for sure!