This years theme was "A Chinese New Years"
So we had Date Auction last night in Royal Brougham, and it was a huge success, SPU raised a TON of money for Sprint & Urban Impact so that was great! They hire an auctioneer and decorate the gym and auction off desserts, and then 14 "date packages" for people to bid on. They had a Christmas Cruise this year (on the canal I think) and ones for SuperBowl Sunday, a day with the Eatons (SPU's president), and so many more, plus a group who did Tai Chi (I have no idea how its spelled) come and perform so that was cool!
Also the benefit of having 45+ girls on one floor I was able to borrow my dress, shoes and a purse :)
They even had a massive dragon!
And...the center pieces were vases with fishes in them!
Me and my small group leader :)
A few freshmen from my floor and I all dressed up