Sunday, September 28, 2008

Mariners Game!!!

So this last week Shannon won tickets to the Mariners game against the Angels and she invited me to go along with her :) So the two youngest sisters were off to Seattle (by ourselves) mom was a little freaked out about this but with dad's map of where to park we were off! Shannon got off work early but we still got stuck in traffic and confirmed Shannon's beliefs that she, "Could not live in Seattle." I was loving it seeing the city again and getting a preview of the next week to come (moving in). But we made it to the game and met TIna (another lady from SSK who Shannon works with) and watched a great game! I thought this was great bonding time for the two of us and LOVED spending it with my sister :)

The classic picture of Safeco Field

We had great seats on the 3rd baseline
behind the Angel's dugout in the Terrace Club :)

And since the menu was the same price as the stadium food we got our food delivered right to us :) (Shannon's idea btw)

Ichiro up to bat :)


Yea Shannon didn't quite believe me that the sweepers did a dance...but they did :)
so I was right lol

So MUCH fun! Thanks Shannon!!!


Sunday, September 21, 2008

The lawn is in

Well here is one happy guy. Dave has been getting the house ready and the most recent project was getting ready to plant the lawn :) We stopped by last Saturday after Taiji and Jake's football game to see the progress before heading to the LHS's game at Civic field.

One dusty guy but it didn't bother him one bit lol

Luckily he had this lovely rock collector to help get the rocks out of the soil, but Shannon and Dave still had to rake the dirt and pick up lots of little rocks by hand :) Now the lawn is planted and as Dave says, "The seed survived the gully washer" so hopefully with some sun we'll soon see some grass :)

Making Applesauce

I'm sorry you guys will have to tilt your head when looking at this blog lol I don't knbow why but I cannot get the pictures to go upright! They are straight on my pictures in my file, but I upload them and they're sideways :( so bummer and as much as it drives me (and lacey) nuts but I wanted to put up the pictures. So this is what ya get for now lol :)

So Shannon had the idea to make applesauce a few saturdays ago, so I got apples from the Greenbarn and we went to work trying to continue Buddy's tradition :) Jake Bedlington also helped us, it was his first time making applesauce

Shannon squishing the apples :) use those arm muscles

Sorry they are a little out of order, but gotta cut them all first

Oh look at our lovely pans of apples getting ready to cook :) not quite as many pans as Buddy did but we tried lol

Both of the #5's at work in the kitchen :)

Putting Jake to work :)

The finished product :) yummy!

LOTS of applesauce :)

Again sorry for the out of order still figuring out this thing lol

Adding some sugar :)

Friday, September 12, 2008

A Few More Pictures

This was the line up of rikshaws at one of the gas stations

Some school kids after they got out of school, headed home

This is me and two of the long termers who are living in India.

From left to right, Gabe, me and Sara. They were amazing and showed us around the city, taught us short simple lessons to help share the gospel, and helped us learn about the Indian culture :)

Me and two of the girls from the Boston team, Ting, Chelsea, and I

Some people we met at Cubbon Park, we prayed for her little girl, who had surgery on her eye

One of the common, but really sad sights we saw on our way to town each day. The little kids are so young but are forced to beg for food and money. Since we were Westerners we were a huge target. I usually had granola bars and crackers stashed in my purse to give to them :)

Some people we met on our prayer walk who let us pray a blessing on their family :)

One of the adorable little kids we met at Cubbon Park :)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

He made a new friend :)

While we were at the park, a little girl showed us her little friend she made, a caterpillar she named Alex :) Brock was amazed by this little guy and was content to just sit and watch him before we went on the "bumpy slide"

A close up of our newest friend :)

Well in case you guys don't what time it is, its Tennis Season!!! So we decided to check out the Lynden Guys tennis to see if my old Coach Ballard was there, but he wasn't. The JV team was practicing, so we watched them instead. I think we may have a future tennis player on our hands :) Some of his comments while watching:

"Whoa. Chelsea look at that! Is that where you played?"

"Thats nice. Wow. Chelsea did you see that?"

"Haha he hit the ball! wow!"

I thought it was pretty entertaining to watch him, he was quite amazed by the guys playing and wanted to just "sit and watch" instead of going back to the park lol so much fun!

The Park Round 2

The Life of a 2 year old

Trevor went to run some errands so we decided to head to the park again
And since (Chelsea) had a headband on, Brock thought he needed to have some too, not just one, but two ;)

"I'm going to run up the ramp so I can run back down again!!!"

He had to play all the musical "things" before we could go down the slide lol

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Short trip to Seattle

The GORGEOUS sky as we head to the freeway :)
The best one - I love the pink, purple, and blue that covered the sky!

On Sunday afternoon, Guela, mom and dad and I headed south to Seattle. It was a gorgeous drive and the sky was beautiful which made for an easy drive. We had some great story time and made it in great time. This was the first time that mom and dad and Guela would be able to see where I've been going to church, here my pastor speak, and meet a few of the people that I go to church with. Currently, Mosiac Community Church is having their service at the CHAC - Capitol Hill Atrs Center in Capitol Hill. Our lease is up at the end of September so we are praying for a new location to open up in Capitol Hill.

After worship, which everybody loved, dad's exact words were, "I haven't heard anything that loud since the Ted Nugent concert at the Seattle Center in the 70's." And this is probably due to the fact that because of the small size of the CHAC, the worship band is about 10 feet away from where we stood :) But we got to hear a great message from Jady (our pastor) and after, 3 of us who went to India got to get up and tell a little about our trip and our experiences. This was the main reason for going down to seattle in the first place. This also allowed mom and dad and Guela to hear from Brian and Amy, the other two that were able to make it.

It was a great little jaunt down to Seattle which followed by dinner at Dick's Drive In, which I didn't get any pictures of, but sure hit the spot :)