Saturday, July 25, 2009

life in the berries :)

Well today I've actually had a chance to breath a little before rushing off to work. I know you all hear about my long days at work at Maberries this summer but here's some proof of it :) One of the girls brought her camera to work so we've captured the craziness of life in the berries!
Me and Raquel!
Hard at work ;)
the moon....
The guys we get to work with...
Packing for Smuckers :)
The lovely line ladies :)
Me and Maria Garcia!
Gorgeous sunset at work

Love these girls
Sisters and lab girls :)
Me and Sonia
Some from strawberries....

Well the raspberries will be ending for the IQF which means we'll be getting lots of berries in the bluk plant! This also means the blueberries will be starting soon :)