These pics are definitely late, but once Spring Quarter got started it hasn't really slowed down so now that I'm catching my breath after first round of exams I can update :) While Tasha and Trevor were enjoying the beaches of Hawaii I got to spend the end of my spring break with my boys! Thankfully my mom was able to watch them when I had a dentist and hair appt.
Still in their matching pajamas, trying on papa's shoes
Getting a smile out of this guy isn't always easy, little squinty eyes but at least we know how old he is in this picture!
Trying to walk with them on...not so easy turns out
One happy dude
Climbing on the stools :) Again lol
And on the chairs...
But at least he's happy doing it!
We also got to visit cousin Stacey! And found out Kali was there too! Brock and her played outside, had cheese and crackers, and a movie to top it off :)
Then I took the boys and met up with Tony and Joyce for dinner. No pics from that but the boys had a blast!
Me and my man!
Think thats finally all my Spring Break pictures! It was a busy, but amazing break! Can't wait for summer now!!! I'll be back working at Maberry's and home for 3 months :)