Monday, June 27, 2011

:: Miss Joie Faye ::

Few random shots of Joie from when I was home

Playing dress up with all her headbands :)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sounders Game

Sounders game at Quest field :)
Me and Caitlin (former Starbucks barista :)

Final week as a college student

Sitting in Q Cafe, getting ready to open up the powerpoints and study notes for the LAST time as a college student! 3:30 today I will take my last final and turn in my final paperwork. few words to describe what Im thinking/feeling: nervous, excited, in awe, in denial, are just a few. This all seems so crazy! Everyone told me these 4 years would go by fast, and now Im truly realizing how true thaty statement was! I don't know where they went! Senior year especially! I barely had time to breathe and enjoy it before it was over! And as of right now I have my summer plans somewhat planned out, nannying and studying in seattle for the summer, then going to Africa and after that who knows! I sure hope God has planned figured out, Im still waiting on him and trying to figure out the next season in my life.

One of my really good friends and housemates is moving home after graduation, another is moving to Africa for a year and another is leaving in mid July. There are so many changes and so much going on, I am continually asking for peace, grace, and reassurance.

I took out my cap and gown last night and had a minor freak out, I am going to be graduating! Ive been in school or studying for as long as I can remember! School has been my thing, and now its coming to a close. Good thing I still have the NCLEX to study for ;) But really, it'll be stressful, but good transition for my probably.

Cannot wait for Friday! Get to see some much needed faces of family and cousins and friends :) Get to spend the weekend with my parents and Graduation Sunday with more family! Feeling so blessed and so loved.

Pray I can finish strong with this last final and getting paperwork all sorted out. Wearing thin but continue to push through.

Thanks for all the thoughts, prayers, and support!