Saturday, February 14, 2009

Time for some red and pink :)

So for our Valentine's Day Eve some girls from my floor dressed up in as much pink and red as we could and we went to Red Robin for dinner.
My mom's flourescent pink, spandex from the 80's came in handy once again :)
This isn't the whole group (sorry) we took separate cars, but here's some of us!

Dinner was great and we definitley got lots of weird looks and second glances lol
And I think we're all excited for the 3 day week, which for me will be spent studying for my anatomy midterm :)

Oh and Happy Anniversary to our parents! You guys are so great! I don't think we can thank you enough for ALL that you do for us!


Anonymous said...

Love the bright pink spandex!! Those are classic! Good way to get you off campus! Glad you got a break! Tasha

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad I saved those pants. I remember wearing them when I was pregnant with Shannon! Glad you used them! Love you Mom!