Saturday, August 29, 2009

no work = time with my nephews

Can you say thunder thighs?!?!?
Bryce's new favorite place to pull himself up is the glass double doors that look out onto the patio and the back yard
A very happy boy with cRaZy hair and a massive smile :)
Complete with 2 front teeth :]
Attempting to get him to look at the camera and smile...
you're crazy auntie chelsea - Bryce
Chillin outside with Toby and dad

Oh and Tasha found some new pajamas for Brock, introducing: SPIDERMAN!
This was right before he ran outside to show dad his cool new pjs
We barbequed terriyaki chicken Friday night, but before we ate Trevor took out the John Deere and...let Brock steer!
He did so great! No power steering and an open field is great for any 3 year old ;)
Trying to get a family picture...Brock not so much into looking at me and smiling

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