Saturday, October 24, 2009

A new house calls for a party

Well last night was a success! We had a house warming party last night with lots of food, friends, and flowers! We had an assortment of good from pumpkin bars to homemade cookies, vegetables to chips and guacamole! We also had hot cider from Trader Joe's which everybody loved!
Natalie's delicious pumpkins bars :) perfect for a fall party

Our bright orange sunflowers :) which everybody seemed to be amazed by
Me and Natalie :]
The 3 basement dwellers~me, brittany harwell & natalie
seriously LOVE these girls!
we didn't plan the tights or the moccasins...we just have cold feet in our house
(no shoes allowed lol)

me and emily, my roomate from last year :)
our first guests! Me, Ashley Stockman (from Lynden) and Julia (was on my floor freshman yr)

More girls from 1st west :)

I promise I will out up a house picture, but its on another girl's camera, so it'll have to wait for now. But it was so great to get the house good and clean, cook lots of food, and see all our friends from the dorms who we clearly do not see enough of :( Living all off campus in our houses with dfferent schedules makes it quite difficult. Thank goodness for parties to bring everybody back together! My PA from freshman year even came, along with a ton of all of our friends :)
Just a side note, I'm sure everybody at home is not very happy about the UW game, but since half of the girls in my house are from Oregon, they were quite stoked this afternoon lol
Can't wait for Thanksgiving to see you all! Love you!

1 comment:

tscarter7 said...

Love all your pictures Chelsea! Looks like you had a wonderful housewarming! Keep working hard. Boy you are busy! :)