And since the menu was the same price as the stadium food we got our food delivered right to us :) (Shannon's idea btw)
And since the menu was the same price as the stadium food we got our food delivered right to us :) (Shannon's idea btw)
Shannon squishing the apples :) use those arm muscles
Sorry they are a little out of order, but gotta cut them all first
Both of the #5's at work in the kitchen :)
Putting Jake to work :)
Again sorry for the out of order still figuring out this thing lol
Adding some sugar :)
Some school kids after they got out of school, headed home
From left to right, Gabe, me and Sara. They were amazing and showed us around the city, taught us short simple lessons to help share the gospel, and helped us learn about the Indian culture :)
Some people we met at Cubbon Park, we prayed for her little girl, who had surgery on her eye
A close up of our newest friend :)
Well in case you guys don't what time it is, its Tennis Season!!! So we decided to check out the Lynden Guys tennis to see if my old Coach Ballard was there, but he wasn't. The JV team was practicing, so we watched them instead. I think we may have a future tennis player on our hands :) Some of his comments while watching:
"Whoa. Chelsea look at that! Is that where you played?"
"Thats nice. Wow. Chelsea did you see that?"
"Haha he hit the ball! wow!"
I thought it was pretty entertaining to watch him, he was quite amazed by the guys playing and wanted to just "sit and watch" instead of going back to the park lol so much fun!
"I'm going to run up the ramp so I can run back down again!!!"