Thursday, January 28, 2010

The little things in life

After a crazy week of class, clinical and care plans by today I was exhausted even though I still have 2 more days in the week. The lack of sleep, stress and a paper we have coming was definitely wearing on me this morning. Having a 3 hr lecture where the prof skimmed through powerpoints explaining what we didn't need to know for the test didn't really help either. But this afternoon I remembered there is a new break room on campus for nursing students. Since I planned on spending the day on campus I figured I'd go check it out. Sure enough, I think I found my new favorite place on campus :) It has chairs, a table, tea, stress balls, snacks, and other "soothing" things but my favorite is the massaging chair cover :) I've been working on my paper for about an hour now and my back feels looser already! So I'm happy to say my thursday has gotten much better!

Its definitely the little things in life that can make your day a whole lot brighter :)


tscarter7 said...

You are so right about the little things! Glad you have found this spot! Check my blog soon to read about a "little thing" (that is really a pretty big thing) in my life! Hugs!

Barb said...

Thanks Chelsea for sharing your life on the Hills of Seattle:) I AM PRAYING!!! PRAYING!!! PRAYING!!! YOU CAN BE SURE:) Hugs Guela